Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Nuclear Weapons Essay Example for Free
Nuclear Weapons Essay Nuclear weapons are the most critical technology ever developed. In Japan, which suffered nuclear holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is a deep desire for nuclear ending that derives from its personal experience of the terrible harm caused by nuclear weapons. In fact, more than 95% of the dead at Nagasaki and Hiroshima were civilians. Only 4.4% of the death charge was made up of military workers. In the New York Times September 5, 1945, the dishonesty was that the victims had suffered no radiation damage. The bombs killed as many as 80,000 people in Nagasaki and 140,000 people in Hiroshima by the end on end of 1945, with approximately half of those deaths happening on the days of the bombings. No family would like to suffer and see people suffering because of the nuclear weapons being used. Innocent parents, kids, babies, and many others die on the streets because of the nuclear weapons being used for a futile reason. There are better ways to settle things rather than make an easy way out for them. Bombing each other won’t make a difference except the deaths of hundred innocent people. If people want to settle things they need to talk face-to-face not hurt others that don’t even know what’s happening in the world, leave those innocent people alone and go kill each other somewhere else. If people really think violence is the answer than they are wrong because there are many legends that made a difference in this world without violence like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin L uther King, ect. In fact, violence merely increases hate The U.S dropped the bomb on Hiroshima because they wanted to end the war. In Japan it was shameful to surrender, so they did not think invading would do any good. Plus they wanted to minimize U.S casualties. Yet this does not seem to be enough to make up a successful argument for a world free of nuclear weapons. Nuclear ending, in difference, tends to be small within the type of weapons linked to general safety. It is not seen as an honest and global human issue. To succeed, the nuclear removal group must be brought into a wider field of peoples thinking. However, there is a remarkable difference between instruments limiting nuclear weapons and those regarding other classes of weaponry. We also need to fully clear how the world today is unclear by the habit of gun worldwide relations, the most well-known example of which has been the threat to use nuclear weapons. The point is that the atomic bombs and a U.S invasion were both unnecessary to end WWII. With no navy, no air force, getting beaten by the Chinese, and their people starving, Japan was basically defeated by 1945. From a military point of view, the atomic bombs were simply unjustified and not needed to end the war and get a Japanese surrender. Unless you have the same opinion with war crimes and disagree with our top allied military commanders of WWII, you cannot possibly see the use of atomic bombs as justified. The decision to use atomic bombs was simply militarily unnecessary and a total disregard for human life. It is an absolute joke that there are actually people in the US who believe the atomic bombs saved lives. It never saved lives or ended the war. The other non-nuclear option, of course, would have been to simply defend Japan and starve the Japanese people into surrender. However, as the attack planners considered the population would be devotedly aggressive, there would pr obably have been an enormous death charge before the Japanese give out. Whether both were necessary will always be questionable, but they provide to help bring to an ending a terrible war that threatened entire world peace and freedom.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Feasibility Report Essay examples -- essays research papers
Abstract      The purpose of this report is to determine whether it would be feasible for the Style Shop to add a computerized register to the store. The Merchandising Society is the largest club on F.I.T.’s campus. It provides the opportunity for its members to enhance their college experience at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Its members are dedicated to gaining exposure to the fashion industry first-hand through running a business, visiting companies worldwide, and volunteering services to the community. The club is responsible for operating a successful on-campus boutique, the Style Shop. The store offers the unique opportunity for FIT students, faculty and alumni to sell their original creations on a consignment basis. This not only allows students to earn recognition and profit, it enables Merchandising Society members to gain experience in buying, product development, marketing, finance, customer relations, management, visual merchandising, and website development. The Style Shop offers students the chance to develop a sharper awareness of group dynamics, build professional relationships, and actively participate in our college education. Currently the store uses a non-computerized register. There is no computerized inventory or bar codes used. Everything is done by hand. The addition of a computer would not only help keep track of all purchases by time, it would allow for the finance team to plan sales and monitor loss. The Style Shop uses a budget handed out by FITSA to fund purchases and stock for the store. This budget would be used to purchase a computer. It is highly feasible that the Style Shop purchases a computer and a register program. Introduction Purpose The purpose of this report is to determine the feasibility of adding a computerized register to the Style Shop team. Problem During the 2001/02 school year the Merchandising Society has over 180 active members. The store currently has no regulated computerized system. Inventory and tickets are all manually printed. By adding a computer to the store, inventory and sales could be more easily monitored. The computer would also serve as a ticket printer and finance station. Scope The addition of a computerized register would make the flow of goods in and out of the Style Shop easier. By adding a computer to the store each Merchandising Society member would h... ...h day. They will also be in charge of closing all curtains at night so that passers-by cannot see the computer in an empty store. Summer/Winter      When the Style Shop is not in operation the computer will be disconnected and stored in the Style Shop closet on the 7th Floor of the A-Building. This closet is only accessible to Style Shop Managers. Conclusion      The Style Shop is a growing student run boutique on F.I.T.’s campus. Each semester the store’s sales increase. The store needs a better way to track sales and inventory. By purchasing a computer Managers would be able to effectively track sales, inventory, and expenses. The total cost for the computer and register system is just under $2000.00. The money to purchase the computer/register would come out of the Style Shop budget given to the store by F.I.T.S.A. Recommendations      The Style Shop is an expanding establishment at the Fashion Institute of Technology. The addition of a computerized register would increase productivity within the store. It is recommended that the Style Shop use their budget and purchase a computer and a point of sale
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How Walmart Can Improve Sales Essay
1. What strategies would you recommend to current CEO Mike Duke? 2. How can Wal-Mart benefit from Internet retailing? â€Å"The internet has interesting aspects and will definitely serve a growing market throughout the 21st Century.†(David, P. 69) Wal-Mart.com allows customers easy and convenient access to Wal-Mart’s millions of products without leaving their homes; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year; in turn will boost sales because Wal-Mart.com is able to display all products available, unlike store, which have limited space. As long as Wal-Mart.com continues to offer low prices and low shipping prices with the same quality of service, with easy checkout, it can be most profitable allowing Wal-Mart to benefit from internet retailing. 3. How aggressively should Wal-Mart expand internationally and where? I don’t believe Wal-Mart should move progressively when expanding internationally. It is the right time to expand internationally, anywhere east of the North America continent. Wal-Mart expanding internationally keeps them from being vulnerable to fluctuations of the U.S. dollar, allowing them to generate earnings from the countries east of the U.S. Wal-Mart should expand aggressively, which will allow customers all over the world â€Å"to associate their name with low cost, greatest selection of quality merchandise and highest standards of customer service.†(David, P. 68) 4. Should Wal-Mart expand the convenient store concept in China and other markets? I believe it is a good idea to expand the convenient store concept in China and other markets. According to Convenience Store News; â€Å"small formats are leading store growth in the Asia-Pacific region with traditional convenience stores seeing significant growth. China added more than 4,000 new c-stores in the past 12 months.†(Kress, 2012) 5. Should Wal-Mart get a foothold in Europe before competitors seize the initiative?
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about Race Relations - 2533 Words
Humanity has been enduring an ongoing battle for centuries: the strained relations among the races. Despite efforts to put the past behind, signs remain at nearly every juncture that there still exists a strong sense of racial dissension. While many Caucasians do not see the problem being as severe as it is represented, African-Americans angrily reply that the lighter skinned race has not had to endure such prejudice and, therefore, cannot begin to identify with the situation. Frank Newport, vice president of the Gallup Poll Organization, says Caucasian Americans do not interpret racism as a big problem, therefore, they do not see a need for government intervention (Anonymous, 1997; 04A). Similarly, Asians, Hispanics and other United†¦show more content†¦Sociologist Joe R. Feagin says the answer may lie with both options. His interpretation of the lack of adolescent racism is that reality has not fully set in for those who have not yet experienced the real world. You have to be out looking for jobs and housing to know how much discrimination is out there (Farley, 1997; 88+). Feagin contends that those who have a better grasp of racial reality are those who are over the age of nineteen. Reasoning behind this is that comparatively few African-American teenage respondents said they had been victimized by discrimination; contrarily, half of the African-American adults admitted they had (Farley, 1997). Experts are concerned that adolescents are being too gullible when it comes to realizing the truth of the matter. Others contend that perhaps they are willfully setting a precedence for others to follow that will ultimately initiate a genuine improvement in race relations. It is not as though contemporary teenagers do not have knowledge of history and its negative treatment of minority races; rather, it appears they have more faith in their own future than their parents did before them. Additionally, todays youth are trying to move away from the typical scape goating (Farley, 1997; 88+) that has become so commonplace in society. SuspicionsShow MoreRelatedRace, Racial, And Race Relations1494 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual has a particular definition of race and a distinct view of race relations in America today, because every individual’s reality is different and therefore their perception is different as well. With that in mind, it becomes clear that the best way to understand race relations better is to understand what another person’s thoughts are on the matter. This interview paper sheds light onto another’s understanding and thoughts regarding race relations in America. I can not sate the true identityRead MoreBrazil Race Relations1257 Words  | 6 PagesBrazil Race Relation Brazil is one of the most visited place in the world and also one of the most diverse countries in the world. 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